Nadine Finsterbusch Unveils Her Debut Solo Album “My Space”

Nadine Finsterbusch new music

Nadine Finsterbusch is a Berlin based artist, formerly of the band Phinsterbush, who just dropped her debut solo album “My Space”. Featuring ten songs, and solely produced by Ramin Bijan, “My Space” opens a door to what most grown ups have buried somewhere between shopping lists and work-life-balance: her revived teenage self, brave, unironically emotional and without any bitterness.

With the “My Space” album, Nadine wants to make room and take space. For an impetuous feeling of youth, uninhibited fandom and big feelings. And we are all here for it.


Fans of The Cardigans, Cocteau Twins, and Björk will definitely enjoy “My Space”, so check it out below and connect with Nadine on her website and social media. Lastly, our in-depth Q&A with this talented artist is on the way, so hang close to NxtNow Music!

Follow Nadine Finsterbusch on: Website | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok


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