Career Ideas If You Love Music
Photo Credit: Marcelo Chagas
If you are feeling in a rut career-wise, or are currently choosing what to do for a job, you should look to your passion. If this is music, there are a myriad of careers you can do that involve this. Music isn’t just something in the background for lots of people, instead it’s a lifestyle and something they just can’t live without. If you are wondering how you can incorporate your love for music into your everyday life, there are so many ways you can get a job in the field. In this article we take a look at some career ideas if you love music. Keep on reading to get inspired.
A Music Manager
Music managers are the people who manage the career of musicians, sorting a range of things such as booking them in for gigs, promoting them, handling their contracts and sorting their marketing. You can work your way up the ranks and become a music executive who are senior managers in the music industry and oversee a record label's artists and business. One of the most famous record company executives is Clive Davis who brought many acts to the spotlight including Barbara Streisland, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel and Aerosmith.
Working On Tech Behind The Scenes
If you love the tech side of music, there are a myriad of roles behind the scenes you can work on. This includes being a sound engineer who is in charge of recording, mixing and mastering audio for tracks in studios, an audio engineer who manages sound systems at events and an instrument technician whose job it is to repair and maintain musical instruments. A tech role is good if you have experience and qualifications in these fields and suits someone who might want to be more out of the limelight, be creative and really enjoy getting stuck into projects.
A Performer/ Music Creator Role
If you are someone that not only loves music but loves playing it, why not consider going down this route? It can be seen as a difficult industry to crack but if you work hard and put in the time and effort, you can get there. You could become a performing musician such as a singer or band member, or you could be a songwriter who sells their songs to other artists for them to perform. You could also consider being a composer or a producer which enables you to make music each day.
These are just a few career ideas if you love music that should ensure you get to pursue your passion each and every day. Make no mistake, it’s hard work and you will need to be prepared to graft in order to get the role you want and make your way to the top, but it’s all worth it!
What are some top tips you have for getting a career in the music field? Let us know in the comments below!