Interview: Mikebøi

Mikeboi interview with NxtNow Music

Congratulations on the completion and release of your new EP "Human Nature"; tell us about your creative process for its development and how long it took for you to complete.

Thanks; first, the development of this EP comes completely from the feeling of growing up, evolving about my sound and about all my concept art.

I started creating these songs in 2018 and managed to finish 24 songs in total but I decided that making releases as EPs would be a better idea and I noticed there that these 6 songs had in common several factors like the smells, images and sensations I had when creating them, and that's how I chose these songs for the first EP.


Would you say that there is an overall theme for the EP's six songs? If so, how would you describe it?

I think the main theme is the nature of the human being; at a certain point it's in our nature to destroy, create and start again, always in constant evolution and that's what I wanted to do with the whole sound of the EP, so I think that's the fundamental base of “Human Nature”.

Your track with SRU, "Never Stay" is great; how did you two connect and what made SRU's vocals the perfect fit for the song?

It was a very similar process to all our projects together. sru starts a song idea and shows me and initially it sounded kind of sad to me so I start to connect with the feeling she left in it and this song has very strong feelings that we both can feel since we went through very similar things so I decided to change a little bit the feeling that I perceived as sad and try to add flowers to it.

Literally, my thought when re doing the instrumental was: I want it to sound like we are surrounded by flowers while sru narrates all this, and I think the result was great because sru did an impeccable job with her vocals, it was just like letting myself be carried away by a stream of water with her vocals there.

With "Human Nature" now released, what are some of your goals musically for the rest of the year?

My main goals now are to get the second EP out, which I still can't release the name and reach more audience that likes this kind of experimental music.

I would also like to start influencing people in my country with this style of music, so there is a lot of work to do yet.

How would you describe the electronic music scene in your city, and in Mexico overall for up and coming producers?

I really like the production in Mexico but I feel that people need to value more the art that exists to be able to move forward small projects with huge potential.

We also need many more exponents willing to open roads and doors more than just getting on the trend or popular music. There is a small niche of people who are doing very well and I believe that in the next few years Mexico will have great exponents in experimental electronic music also known as pc/music.

Listen to “Human Nature” on:

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