NN Music Staff NN Music Staff

Reggae Superstar Barrington Levy Drops His Single/Video "Money Is The Drug"

"Money Is The Drug," Barrington Levy's latest single/video, doesn't point the finger at anybody — he feels the pull, too, and if you're caught in a net made of cash, he's sympathetic. He's just doing what he always does: examining the topic he's singing about with wisdom, compassion, and good humor.

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NN Music Staff NN Music Staff

Watch “Legal Dreamers”, the Brand New Clip From Kēvens

In “Legal Dreamers”, Kēvens shows us America at its most inspiring and its most forbidding — the lamp of the Statue of Liberty, the street protests, the folds of the flag. The video takes us around the world, juxtaposing dusty Township settlements and verdant jungle scenes…

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