NN Music Staff NN Music Staff

20 Essential Tools for Success in the Music Industry

Gone are the days of relying solely on traditional recording studios and limited distribution channels. Today's artists and producers need to be armed with a digital arsenal of tools to not only create great music but also navigate the ever-evolving landscape of establishing a fanbase and building a sustainable career in the music industry.

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NN Music Staff NN Music Staff

NxtNow Releases Game-Changing Music Submission Toolkit

NxtNow has unveiled its game changing Music Submission Toolkit, which is totally free to all Music Accelerator members. The toolkit will help artists strategically place their new music on music blogs, Spotify playlists and YouTube channels with targeted outreach and an enhanced understanding of the digital music landscape.

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NN Music Staff NN Music Staff

Amplify Your Music: How Podcasting on YouTube Can Fuel Your Career

For music creators, the struggle to be heard is as old as time itself. But in the age of digital audio, a powerful new platform has emerged: YouTube podcasting. This innovative blend of audio and video offers you a unique opportunity to not only connect with fans on a deeper level but also generate significant revenue.

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NN Music Staff NN Music Staff

10 Ways to Generate Passive Income as an Artist or Music Producer

Passive income is a great way for artists and music producers to generate revenue without having to constantly work. There are a number of different ways to create passive income streams based on your music, and the best approach will vary depending on your individual skills and interests.

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